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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

tangisan seorg member

aq x suka melihat kawan ku bersedih...
bile die gembira aq pn gembira ..
bile die menangis..dlm diam aq turun menangis walaupn aq x menunjuk die dpn yer..
aq xmau kwn ku bersedh..tangis mu membuatkn aq rase sakit...
bile aq sayng kpd seorg rakan..aq xmau meliht die di sakiti..walaupn sekali..
sekali air mata mengalir...hati ku~~~~
syg buat rakan..
jd terlalu tangis kn penderitaan..
anda akn jadi seperti ape y akn aq lalui...
hidup nie hanya lh sekali sjer..

Kasih syng ku buat mu ,,,
seprti kasih syg ku kpd Allah ,Nabi ,ibubapa ..famly...

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If you heart love someone,
you will love like that forever
never ending...never stop loving...
though you break up or don't
meet each other for the rest of your life.
Don't hope that it will end with
happy ending.
The words you promised that
You will love me to death,
but not for long.
You're changed to have someone else..
and leave me alone like this.
That thing that's used to be sweet
turns to be too bitter.
you're bored of me, right?
so, you're done that
You forget the promise that
you would love me forever.
Finally ,I mean nothing at all
Please put out the sunlight for me
Because i 'm not worth enough to be seen..
to be remembered
I don't even want to look at myself.
through i 'm hurt to death,,
I know no one sympathize and really love me.
I don't want to look at anyone..
Don't want to see anyone...
don't want to meet and face anyone
at all.


org zaman sekrng nie..suka bg nasihat percuma kat org lain.

Tp diri sendiri xpernh nk laku kn..ape y dinasihati.

kalo nasihat org 2berguna xape jgk..ini mcm taik ayam jer

nasiht org sampai abis air liur sjer wat ape..

menyush kn sj..

kalo nasiht org 2 cube lihat diri dulu..

baru nasiht org lain.